Once if you wanted to know all the official trails that exist in Boulder County, you would have to obtain more than a hundred different maps. Even then, you would miss some because not all jurisdictions produce maps showing their trails. You’d also have a jumble of information because the maps are at different scales, show different information, and offer no visible relationship between agency holdings and adjacent areas. You’d have to invest a significant amount of time tracking down all this material, and a fair amount of money purchasing all the maps (only a few small ones are free).
The new BATCO map solves your problems!
For the first time ever, there is now a single map showing all designated trails in Boulder County, with a colorful overlay indicating which public land agency owns and manages them. Trails are color- and pattern-coded to show routes open to various user groups, as well as the trail surface of each trail (such as single track, 4WD road, and concrete greenway). The map also shows urban bicycle routes and other recreational amenities (including trailheads, parks, campgrounds, fishing holes, golf courses, and recreation centers). The BATCO map enables you to visualize and select your trail experience before embarking on an adventure.
Added benefits are information about each agency’s trail regulations and contact persons, suggestions for trail etiquette and safety, material about various outdoor and environmental organizations, and user-friendly sketches, photographs, and text pertaining to appreciating and protecting Boulder County’s diverse natural resources.
Finally, BATCO has committed to investing a substantial portion of the proceeds from map sales on local trail project planning, construction, and maintenance. We will put our money where our mouths are, to improve the public lands we all know and love.
BATCO Map Montage
BATCO Map Sample
Daily Camera article about the map at January 13, 2006 Daily Camera Map Article