Saturday, May 17, 2008

City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Department (OSMP) Trail Study Area (TSA) update:

So far the Southern Grasslands (SG) and Eldorado Mountain / Doudy Draw (EMDD) TSAs have been completed. In the SG area, the new Marshall Valley, Coal Seam, Cowdrey Draw and High Plains trails were constructed.

Trail work is on-going in EMDD, where Staff has laid out a very attractive new trail which connects the Doudy Draw Trail to the Fowler Trail. Some existing social trail will become the new Goshawk Ridge Trail. Trail work is expected to be completed this year.

OSMP is years behind their original schedule for the TSA process, and has decided to consolidate the remaining TSAs into 3 huge areas: West, North and East (the South TSA consists of SG and EMDD). The West TSA is slated to begin this summer, and covers the entire western Mountain Parks -- everything west of Broadway between Eldorado Springs Drive and Linden Avenue!

This process is expected to last 18 months or more. BATCO members will be kept abreast of developments via our new egroup and the Newsletter.

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