Monday, September 22, 2008


All colors apply to Western TSA ONLY.

Red = Major existing roads / trails that are
not formally designated trails according to the OSMP
map but should be recognized -- Note applies to WEST
TSA Only -- Red outside of TSA = mtn bike accessible

Pink = Social trails that may be worth converting to
designated trails

Purple = Existing undesignated trails with access
controled by neighbors -- should be kept open -- public
access improved -- delicate negotiations required

Orange = Designated trails (on the ground signs)
not on OSMP map

Green = Short new trail that should be built --
minimal environmental issues

Brown = Climbing Trails that should be designated
as difficult hiking

Light Wide Blue = VERY Rough Mtn Bike Alignment or
Mtn Bike Eldorado / Walker Ranch

Dark Blue = Permit free adventure hikes (like
rockclimber access) on good existing social trail

Wide Light Green -- Vagus possible connector from
Bear Canyon to Walker Ranch

NOTE: Alignments are approximate and subject to much
discussion and revision