Monday, September 22, 2008


All colors apply to Western TSA ONLY.

Red = Major existing roads / trails that are
not formally designated trails according to the OSMP
map but should be recognized -- Note applies to WEST
TSA Only -- Red outside of TSA = mtn bike accessible

Pink = Social trails that may be worth converting to
designated trails

Purple = Existing undesignated trails with access
controled by neighbors -- should be kept open -- public
access improved -- delicate negotiations required

Orange = Designated trails (on the ground signs)
not on OSMP map

Green = Short new trail that should be built --
minimal environmental issues

Brown = Climbing Trails that should be designated
as difficult hiking

Light Wide Blue = VERY Rough Mtn Bike Alignment or
Mtn Bike Eldorado / Walker Ranch

Dark Blue = Permit free adventure hikes (like
rockclimber access) on good existing social trail

Wide Light Green -- Vagus possible connector from
Bear Canyon to Walker Ranch

NOTE: Alignments are approximate and subject to much
discussion and revision

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Aug 25 Western TSA Meeting

To all members of the Boulder Outdoor Coalition, environmental recreation groups, and the at-large trail community:

Please join us Monday, August 25, 7pm at REI to discuss OSMP's upcoming West TSA.

At the July BATCO meeting we continued our discussion of strategies for reframing the debate over public land management issues in ways which will yield better decisions for all concerned. Meeting participants expressed strong support for a new "Trails Connect" initiative which we will be pursuing over the next few months.

We spent also spent a considerable time thinking about how best to approach Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) upcoming assessment of the ways in which it will manage the "Western Trails Study Area (TSA). This large area extends west of Broadway between Eldorado Springs and Linden Drive including the Flatirons, Green Mountain, Bear Peak, Flagstaff, and Sanitas. The process will literally determine how the "Mountain Parks" vision of the last century will be carried forward into the new 21st-century Boulder.

We have focused on figuring out how we can best contribute to the success of this process in the near future, and hereby offer a series of three open meetings to consolidate the community's thinking.

We propose to start the first meeting, August 25, by soliciting and compiling your ideas for managing the area -- trails, facilities, and practices to maintain and possible improvements to make. The second half of the session half of the session will be devoted to developing a list of questions for OSMP about their plans and assemble suggestions about ways in which the process might be structured most effectively.

At the following BATCO meeting, September 22, we plan to invite OSMP representatives to come tell us about their plans and respond our questions and suggestions.

In a final meeting, October 27, we propose to develop, for presentation to OSMP and the larger community, a more concrete set of recommendations, including detailed maps, outlining our thoughts on how the area might best be managed. In doing this we will try to craft a plan that will simultaneously advance the full range of interests represented in our community (including those traditionally associated with the various recreation, environmental, and land use groups).

We believe this initiative will remove a lot of the usual rhetoric and will streamline the TSA process for the department and the public alike.

So, mark your calendar and plan to attend the August 25 meeting. Bring a friend! Spread the word! We hope to see you there.

Guy Burgess

for the Boulder Area Trails Coalition (BATCO)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Next Meeting July 20

Next Meeting
Monday July 2o 2009, 7:00-8:30PM, REI, Boulder
Topics to be Discussed (Tentative)

WestTSA Community Collaborative Group
- This is the hot topic for July

Other Issues Raised by Participants

Monday, June 23, 2008

Trail Issue-Related Documents

BATCO Details

Original BATCO Website

Boulder Outdoor Coalition
Connection Ecology

Saturday, June 21, 2008

BATCO June 23, 2008 Meeting

BATCO will meet at 7:00pm Monday, June 23, at REI's upstairs meeting room in Boulder. Everyone is invited to attend and participate in the discussion. Here is a draft agenda for the meeting. See you there!
  • 7:00 Call to order. Introductions.
  • 7:05 Ideas for a working group/advisory board to define long-term stances / marketing / action items for trail policy and planning in Boulder County -- Seth Portner & Buzz Burrell, with group discussion.
  • 7:45: Report on June 17, 2008 BCPOS Stakeholder's Meeting -- Mike O'Brien & group discussion on BCPOS issues
  • 8:15: President's Report -- Guy Burgess -- Website / Blog update, Forum report
  • 8:30: Treasurer's Report -- Chris Morrison
  • 8:45: Other items -- All
  • 9:00: Adjourn

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

BATCO Brochure

The Boulder Area Trails Coalition is a group of environmentalists, hikers, equestrians, and bicyclists who believe it is in everyone's best interest to work together on trail issues. Our mission is to promote non-motorized, multi-use, environmentally responsible trail systems. By joining together we can fulfill the vision accessible healthy open lands. Your skills, involvement, and financial resources are needed and welcome.

Multi-purpose trails are a valuable community resource which provide recreational benefits which enhance the quality-of-life of area residents and visitors. In addition to their recreational benefits, trails systems enhance environmental quality by:

  • Fostering a sense of stewardship among trail users
  • Helping users appreciate and protect our natural heritage
  • Generating support for additional open space and public lands
  • Creating opportunities to initiate ecosystem restoration
  • Providing alternatives to automobile travel

Major Goals:

  • A system of connected trails incorporating environmentally sound trail placement and design
  • A comprehensive trail plan and user friendly information
  • A community of responsible trail users
  • Public support for trails


  • Support and facilitate local and regional trails planning
  • Create, preserve, and enhance systems of connected trails
  • Serve as a trails policy advocate to local, state, and federal agencies
  • Serve as a catalyst to develop consensus on trail issues
  • Educate trail users about trail ethics and trail opportunities
  • Raise funds for trails
  • Support volunteer trail projects
  • Serve as a trails information resource
  • Facilitate multifaceted partnership for the benefit of trails
  • Support off-street trails and on-street bike lanes as transportation and recreation routes

Bald Eagles, Thriving, Settle Into Suburban Life

OCALA, Fla., June 28 — Bald eagles, whose numbers dwindled to historic lows in the early 1960s, are again flourishing and no longer need the protections of the Endangered Species Act, Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne announced Thursday.

For full article go to NYTimes

New Permit Requirements

Undfer the new off-permit requirements you need a permit to take this picture of Stoney Point (above Flagstaff) even though this popular viewpoint is on a well-established social trail (but not a designated trail) about 100 yards form the picknic tables and highway.

You also need a permit to enjoy this viewpoint about 200 feet off the Green Mountain trail--the best place to enjoy the west side view away from the crowds on the summit.

Prentice: Scarlet tanager causing red alert

This is a rare example of a much more constructive way to respond to rare wildlife in the Boulder area. Instead of closing the area, find a way to let people enjoy and appreciate something special. -- Guy Burgess

Rare bird making home in Boulder

The scarlet tanager usually doesn’t visit Boulder County, but one has taken up residence in Gregory Canyon.

Bill Schmoker

The scarlet tanager usually doesn’t visit Boulder County, but one has taken up residence in Gregory Canyon.

The western tanageris the most common tanager in the region.

Bill Schmoker

The western tanageris the most common tanager in the region.

You've seen them around town. Visitors from afar, moseying about in brightly colored summer garb.

No, it's not Auntie Maude and Uncle Merle from Muskegon meandering on the mall. We're talking about tourists of the avian sort.

This summer, a spectacular wanderer from the East is causing a buzz among local birders. A male scarlet tanager has taken up residence in Gregory Canyon and has been seen regularly since at least the middle of June.

Tanagers are a group of vividly colored birds found mostly in South and Central America. There are about 250 species in the family Thraupidae (tanagers and their allies), but the taxonomy of the group is the subject of debate. For example, some argue the four members of the family that migrate regularly to the United States should more properly be grouped with the Cardinalidae (cardinals and related finches).

To read the rest of this article click here

Permits Needed?

The new permit system will, increasingly require you to get a permit if you want to enjoy a spot like this a hundred feet or so off the main trail.

Connecting / Not Separating

One of the big advantages of Open Space is that it allows scenes like this (Sawmill Ponds) where vistors can experience wildlife. Open Space needs to be managed in ways which provide these experiences while also protecting wildlife.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Membership Form

Clip or print and send to: BATCO, PO Box 19726, Boulder, CO 80308-2726, or contact
Peter Bakwin ( for more information.

YES, I want to become a member of BATCO and help preserve and promote environmentally sound trails in Boulder County. Membership is FREE in 2008, but donations are always appreciated. Enclosed is my tax-deductible donation of:

$100 Sustaining Donor $50 Supporting Member $35 Family $20 Individual Other $________






Please provide at least your email address! Future contact will be by email!

I wish to receive the Newsletter in hardcopy, rather than email.

Please contact me!

Please do NOT contact me!

Send for to:
PO Box 19726
Boulder, CO 80308-2726

West TSA Issues: June Picnic, Hike, and Field Trip

Time and date to be determined. If you are interested in attending or want more information contact, Guy Burgess ( by June 1st. We will pick a weekday evening (and a backup rain date) when as many people as possible can come.

The City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Department (OSMP) is about to begin an 18-month process to re-evaluate how it manages its lands west of the city, from Eldorado Springs Drive to Linden Avenue -- the Crown Jewels of the OSMP system. Included will be the Bear Peak, Green Mountain, Flagstaff, Flatirons, Mt. Sanitas, Mesa Trail and Shanahan Ridge areas.

To help people better understand what is as stake with this process, and to gather your ideas for how we can focus BATCOfs efforts in the West TSA, we will be hosting one or more weekday evening picnic / hike / field trips.

This will be a good chance to meet people, have some fun, and to talk about how we can help assure that the city make sensible decisions.

We need volunteers to coordinate and champion future issues-oriented hikes. Please contact any Board member for information on how to participate.

Bear Creek Trail Dog Regulations

The Bear Creek Trail is a fire road along the eastern and southern perimeter of the NCAR property, and connecting to the Mesa Trail. It is a popular trail, close to the Table Mesa neighborhood. On Jan. 1, 2007, OSMP changed the designation of the trail from dogs under voice and sight control (V&S) to an on-leash requirement. The change resulted from a 2006 agreement between UCAR (which manages NCAR for the NSF) and the City under which OSMP would take over enforcement of City ordinances on the NCAR property. FIDOS challenged the on-leash designation, pointing out that the trail has been used for decades as V&S, that a federal on-leash requirement (the NCAR property is federal land) has never been posted or enforced on the property, and that the Cityfs agreement with UCAR provides that the property should be managed consistent with City code. Negotiations between FIDOS, OSMP and UCAR are on-going. Recently, FIDOS formally asked OSMP to put the Bear Creek dog management issue on the agenda for the West TSA which will be starting in late summer. The NCAR property sits in the middle of this TSA, and the trails and resources in the area will be studied and will be the subject of discussion with the broader community. It is FIDOS position that OSMP should ultimately come up with a plan for dog management on the Bear Creek Trail that makes the most sense from the point of view of both recreational use and resource conservation. Alternative policies being considered by OSMP include "dogs on trail corridor," "seasonal leashing for birds or bears," and "V&S on weekdays." If, as a result of this process, OSMP recommends V&S privileges under some circumstances, FIDOS would take the lead in getting the support of the Open Space Board of Trustees and City Council. Then, and only then, should a plan be proposed to the managers of NCAR (UCAR or NSF).

Eldorado Springs Gates

Eldorado Springs residents were recently surprised to discover that access to adjacent OSMP land would no longer be allowed through several gates that have been used for many years. The seasonal closure is to protect ground nesting birds. The area has no designated trails, but there are cattle trails which visitors also use, and the area is actively grazed by cattle which surely have more impact on the birds than a few hikers. The residents are continuing negotiations with OSMP staff to reverse, or reduce the duration of, the closure. BATCO will continue to monitor the situation and to lobby for reasonable, environmentally responsible access in the area.

IBM-Cottontail Connector

Several government agencies are working together to establish a trail connection across Highway 119 in the vicinity of IBM. This would link the trail network around Boulder Reservoir with the Cottontail Trail. The connection has been in the BV Comp Plan for many years. With numerous agencies involved several issues are still to be worked out. But, we are encouraged that the planning process for this vital link is moving forward. We will continue to keep you informed. More information is available on the web at (under April 9, 2008):

Hessie Trailhead Parking:

Boulder County Parks and Open Space is working with the US Forest Service to resolve parking problems at the Hessie trailhead, just west of the town of Eldora. The current plan is to build a large parking area (with room for some horse trailers) at the trailhead, and eliminate parking along the Fourth of July and Hessie Roads. The new lot will hold 100 vehicles. However, up to 150 vehicles have been reported parked along the road during busy summer weekends, so access is likely to be reduced from past levels. More information is available on the BCPOS website at:

City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Department (OSMP) Trail Study Area (TSA) update:

So far the Southern Grasslands (SG) and Eldorado Mountain / Doudy Draw (EMDD) TSAs have been completed. In the SG area, the new Marshall Valley, Coal Seam, Cowdrey Draw and High Plains trails were constructed.

Trail work is on-going in EMDD, where Staff has laid out a very attractive new trail which connects the Doudy Draw Trail to the Fowler Trail. Some existing social trail will become the new Goshawk Ridge Trail. Trail work is expected to be completed this year.

OSMP is years behind their original schedule for the TSA process, and has decided to consolidate the remaining TSAs into 3 huge areas: West, North and East (the South TSA consists of SG and EMDD). The West TSA is slated to begin this summer, and covers the entire western Mountain Parks -- everything west of Broadway between Eldorado Springs Drive and Linden Avenue!

This process is expected to last 18 months or more. BATCO members will be kept abreast of developments via our new egroup and the Newsletter.

Head's Up Items: National Trails Day June 7 at Heil Valley Ranch

Hosted by the Boulder Mountain Bike Alliance (BMA) and Boulder County Horse Association (BCHA).

Come out and help build the new Picture Rock Trail. When completed, the Picture Rock Trail will connect the existing Heil trails to the town of Lyons and allow further connections to Hall Ranch. Volunteers will work with Parks and Open Space staff and trained volunteer crew leaders to help build this five-mile multi-purpose trail. The project runs from 9:00-2:00, but a light breakfast starting at 8:30 a.m. will be provided. The minimum age is 14 with adult supervision. BMA is looking for 100 volunteers so please invite your friends and family. Register by June 4 by contacting Matt Bruce at 303-678-6216 or

May 21 Brainstorming Meeting

BATCO is in the process of reviewing our various programs and trying to decide how we can make the strongest possible contribution to efforts to sensibly balance the goals of environmental preservation and outdoor recreation. Now is a good time to step back, think about what we've been doing, and consider ways in which we might be able to increase our effectiveness.

Accordingly, BATCO invites YOU to attend a brainstorming session on May 21. The meeting will start with a "thinking outside the box" session to solicit and discuss innovative ideas for advancing our common objectives. We plan to consider ways of responding more effectively to opportunities for public input provided by the various land management agencies in Boulder County. We will also discuss options for taking the initiative and raising important issues that these agencies would not otherwise consider.

BATCO advocates for environmentally responsible access for ALL user groups -- hikers, mountain bikers, climbers, equestrians, dog walkers, bird watchers, hang gliders, etc. We also take a broad, county-wide approach which includes Forest Service land, Boulder County Parks and Open Space, and the municipal open space programs.

There is strength in numbers. Spread the word! Join BATCO and make our collective voice stronger. Would you like to be a "trail champion"? Step right up and adopt a trail -- one that needs to be built, one that needs someone who won't take no for an answer!

BATCO Membership is now free! And it puts you on our (e)mailing list to receive information about Boulder County land management issues. We hope to see you on May 21. All we ask is that you bring at least one new idea (and maybe a friend or two) for increasing our effectiveness!

Refreshments will be served.

For more information please contact Guy at or 303-499-0354.

2nd Edition of BATCO Map Available

The second edition of the BATCO Recreation and Trails Map of Boulder County is now available!

Order Form -- Retailers

The first edition, published in 2006, was a spectacular success, and sold out 10,000 copies in just 2 years. The map shows all designated trails in Boulder County, shows which routes are open to what user group, and indicates which public land agency owns and manages them.

Map sales so far exceed $60,000! Net proceeds go towards planning for and building trails. The 2008 edition is better than ever, with new acquisitions, new trails and bike lanes, dog parks, UTM GPS grid, and much more!

You can buy it for just $9.95 at more than 80 area retailers including Boulder Map Gallery, Boulder Running Company, McGuckin, Neptune, Puddle Car Wash, and many others.

Please see our website for a complete list of retailers.

Letter from the President

You might have noticed that you haven't heard from us for a while. BATCO has undergone some big changes in the past year or so, but I'm pleased to announce that we are alive and well!

The biggest change is that Eric Vogelsberg has stepped down as President of BATCO, after serving on the Board since the our founding in 1996. We are all grateful to Eric for his huge contribution to BATCO over the years. We are pleased to welcome Peter Bakwin to the Board. Peter is an organizer of Boulder Trail Runners, and has worked on City and County Open Space issues for several years. He is very familiar with the trails and the politics!

BATCO took a big step forward organizationally in 2007, as we were granted 501(c)(3) status, so that all contributions are now tax deductible. It's good to be "official"!

Please join us on May 21 as we celebrate our second decade. Help us figure out how to become even more effective.

We welcome new members, and urge YOU to become actively involved in BATCO and in trail advocacy. We look forward to hearing from you in 2008!

Guy Burgess, President

Are Trails and Open Space in Boulder County a Big Part of Your our Life?

Tired of being closed out of public lands?

Join us at the next Boulder Area Trails Coalition Meeting

Wednesday May 21, 2008 -- 7:00 - 8:30pm

REI Meeting Room, 1789 28th St, Boulder

We work to improve environmentally responsible multi-use trail systems for everyone: runners, climbers, hikers, equestrians, mountain bikers, dog walkers, bird watchers, and YOU! Learn about how YOU can help keep our public lands open for passive recreation and environmental protection.

There will also be an unveiling of the new “BATCO Trail Map of Boulder County”

Sunday, February 24, 2008

BATCO Comprehensive Boulder County Trails Map

Once if you wanted to know all the official trails that exist in Boulder County, you would have to obtain more than a hundred different maps. Even then, you would miss some because not all jurisdictions produce maps showing their trails. You’d also have a jumble of information because the maps are at different scales, show different information, and offer no visible relationship between agency holdings and adjacent areas. You’d have to invest a significant amount of time tracking down all this material, and a fair amount of money purchasing all the maps (only a few small ones are free).

The new BATCO map solves your problems!

For the first time ever, there is now a single map showing all designated trails in Boulder County, with a colorful overlay indicating which public land agency owns and manages them. Trails are color- and pattern-coded to show routes open to various user groups, as well as the trail surface of each trail (such as single track, 4WD road, and concrete greenway). The map also shows urban bicycle routes and other recreational amenities (including trailheads, parks, campgrounds, fishing holes, golf courses, and recreation centers). The BATCO map enables you to visualize and select your trail experience before embarking on an adventure.

Added benefits are information about each agency’s trail regulations and contact persons, suggestions for trail etiquette and safety, material about various outdoor and environmental organizations, and user-friendly sketches, photographs, and text pertaining to appreciating and protecting Boulder County’s diverse natural resources.

Finally, BATCO has committed to investing a substantial portion of the proceeds from map sales on local trail project planning, construction, and maintenance. We will put our money where our mouths are, to improve the public lands we all know and love.

BATCO Map Montage

BATCO Map Sample

Daily Camera article about the map at January 13, 2006 Daily Camera Map Article

Friday, February 22, 2008

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

BATCO Map Order Form

YES! I want to explore Boulder County’s trails and to support new trail construction and maintenance.

Please send me the following:

BATCO Comprehensive Trail Map of Boulder County

__________ copies @ $9.95 each.

$ __________ Map Total.

$ __________ Plus $2.00 S&H per folded map.

$ __________ OR Plus $4.50 S&H per rolled map.

Please send map(s) to:

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________________

City: _________________ State: ______ Zip: __________

E-mail: _____________________________________________

Telephone: ____________________

Please make checks payable to BATCO and mail to


c/o Suzanne Webel

5735 Prospect Rd.

Longmont, CO 80503

You may also use this form to join BATCO and help to preserve, protect, and enhance environmentally responsible trails in Boulder County.

YES! I want to join BATCO.

Enclosed please find my donation of: [ ] $100 Sustaining Donor; [ ] $50 Supporting/Organization Member $35 [ ]Family Member; [ ] $20 Individual; [ ] $____ Other

[ ] I want to be personally involved please contact me.

Total Enclosed $ ___________

Questions or feedback? Call 303-485-2162

BATCO Map Retailers


  • Berthoud Feed, 603 3rd Street
  • Nightwinds Tack, 357A Mountain Ave


  • Active Imprints, 629E South Broadway
  • Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 2915 Pearl Street
  • Borders Books, 1600 Pearl Street
  • Boulder Bike and Ski, 665 South Broadway
  • Boulder Bikesmith, 28th Street & Arapahoe Avenue
  • Boulder Convention and Visitors Bureau, Boulder Chamber of Commerce, 2440 Pearl Street
  • Boulder Horse and Rider, 4593 Broadway
  • Boulder Map Gallery, 1708 13th Street ( order online here )
  • Boulder Mountaineer, Broadway & University
  • Boulder Outlook Hotel, 800 28th Street
  • Boulder Public Library Gift Shop, 1000 Canyon Street
  • Boulder Running Company, 2775 Pearl Street
  • Boulder Sports Garage, 2705B Spruce Street
  • Cadeaux / Millennium Harvest House Hotel, 1345 28th Street
  • Colorado Book Store, 1111 Broadway
  • CU Bookstore, University Memorial Center ( order online here)
  • Eads News & Smoke Shop, 1715 28th Street
  • Eldorado Canyon State Park Visitor Center
  • Eldorado Corner Market, 1805 South Foothills Highway
  • Elevation Outfitters, 1420 Pearl Street
  • Farfel's Farm, 906 Pearl Street
  • Fleet Feet Sports, 2624 Broadway
  • Foxcreek Mobile Equine Outfitter, 1750 30th Street
  • Front Range Anglers, 629B South. Broadway
  • Front Range Pet & Supply, 1140 South Boulder Road
  • Full Cycle, 1211 13th Street
  • Full Cycle, 1795 Pearl Street
  • Jones General Store, 1370 College Avenue
  • McGuckin's, 2525 Arapahoe Avenue
  • Neptune Mountaineering, 633 Broadway
  • Page Two, 6565 Gunpark Drive
  • Parsec Time & Distance, 1223 Pearl Street
  • PDQ Gas Station & Food Store, 5200 Manhattan Circle
  • Performance Bicycle, 2450 Arapahoe Avenue
  • Pedestrian Shops, 1425 Pearl Street
  • REI, 1600 26th Street
  • The Dickens Store, 1705 14th Street #141
  • The Puddle, 3100 28th Street
  • Trail Kids, 2750 Glenwood Drive, Unit 3
  • Trident Booksellers & Cafe, 940 Pearl Street
  • Troubadour Books, 5290 Arapahoe Avenue
  • USDA Forest Service Boulder Ranger District
  • Vecchio's Bicycletteria, 1833 Pearl Street


  • Borders Books, 1 West Flatiron Circle Village


  • Brighton Feed, 370 North Main

Estes Park

  • Trail Ridge Outfitters, 358 Elkhorn Avenue


  • Colorado Mountain Club in Golden -- a.k.a. Base Camp Gift Shop, 710 10th St, Suite 150, Golden, CO 80401


  • Clark's Food Store, 11809 North 75th Street
  • Cole's Country Corner, 7507 Hygiene Road
  • Colorado Horse Rescue,10386 North 65th Street
  • Hygiene Feed, 7455 Hygiene Road


  • Cutting Edge Sports, 1369 Forest Park Circle
  • The Tack Collection, 1355 Forest Park Circle, Suite 100


  • Colorado State Parks, State Trails Program, 13787 South Highway 85


  • Acme Bicycles, 1801 Hover Road
  • Bike-n-Hike, 1136 Main Street
  • Back Country Escape, 1520 South Hover Road
  • Blue Sky Cycles, 600 South Airport Road
  • Borders Books, 1101 South Hover Road
  • Colorado Animal Health,1351 Sherman Drive
  • High Gear Bicycles, 504 Main
  • Murdoch's Ranch & Home Supply, 2255 Main Street


  • City of Louisville, Dept. of Land Management, 749 Main Street
  • Front Range Pet & Supply, 1140 S. Boulder Road
  • Louisville Cyclery, 1032 South Boulder Road


  • Latigo Lariat, 3611 South Lincoln Avenue
  • Westside Feed, 5623 West Highway 34


  • Bitterbrush Cycles, 324 Main Street
  • Greenwood Wildlife Rehabilitation Sanctuary, 5761 Ute Highway
  • Redstone Cyclery, 27 Groover Drive
  • Town of Lyons Visitor Center/Chamber of Commerce/Parks & Recreation


  • American Pride Co-Op, 201 3rd Street


  • Niwot Rental and Feed, 291 2nd Avenue


  • Guru Sports, 20 Lakeview Drive
  • Old Town Books, 176 Highway 119 South
  • Nederland Chamber of Commerce/Visitors Center, Highways 119/72 & First Street
  • Nederland Feed and Supply, 45 East Second Street

Other BATCO Map Sponsoring Organizations

  • Boulder Backroads Marathon
  • Mason Media